Diet and Fitness Go Hand in Hand

When it comes to getting fit and keeping lean, don’t let anyone convince you that a week of grueling workouts is your ticket to a drive-thru diet. It doesn’t work that way. The fuel you put into your body will determine how effective your workout is. And while we all deserve an occasional splurge, no […]

Spring Clean Your Fitness Routine

It’s springtime, what are you doing inside? There’s no better time of year to step outside, take a breath and take it all in. And there’s no better time to step up your fitness routine. Feeling a little uninspired? Your workout probably needs a spring cleaning. It’s easy to do, and there’s no time like […]

Takeaways from the World’s Largest Fitness Forum

Last month I joined more than 10,000 of my colleagues in the fitness industry at IHRSA’s 35th Annual International Convention & Trade Show in Orlando, Fla. It’s a fast-paced, mind-stretching week packed with inspiring speakers, industry news, amazing products and friendships developed over a lifetime in this business. So what’s new? Here are my top […]